Thursday, July 9, 2009

Love, Love, Love

I was just reading about love, and thinking how we’re all connected. It’s love that unites us, and makes us human. And I think at the soul of it, at the root of it, we’re all simple souls. It may not seem that way because people have a way of accumulating bullshit.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written—in the unprofessional sense. And I’ve been wondering if I’ve lost my voice. Writing for survival is fun, sometimes mindless, sometimes like an in-depth word game. I get a little obsessed with flow, though that usually just comes naturally.

But writing for writing… My voice is somewhere. Maybe it’s here, in this wondrous mass of interconnected humanity. I keep turning back to it. What makes life special, what makes it beautiful.

I love how love is unexplainable. There’s science, but really, there’s no science. Please leave the brain chemistry out of this. Love is the real magic, and it’s something we all feel, sometimes greater, sometimes lesser… But I think it’s always there, on some level. Often it’s a matter of whether or not we choose to acknowledge it.

I’m not sure why it’s so scary for some people. Though maybe some fear pain. Like Icarus flying too close to the sun and getting burned…

I’ve felt pain. But it always passes because I manage to find the light inside, and the woven, fingers of light that connect us…

I’ve been holding back for a little while. Keeping myself solo. Maybe I’m just taking it slow. Maybe I’m just enjoying ‘slow,’ and the sweetness of letting the world unfold. But I’m constantly filled with love—from my friends, music, brilliant sunshine, my dogs’ warmth and my horse’s whinny… I love love. And I am full of it. ;)

It’s not science. It’s just cool. Like magic.

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